The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146034   Message #3383467
Posted By: Gurney
29-Jul-12 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Men & Washing Machines???
Subject: RE: BS: Men & Washing Machines???
Even birds too polite to shit on clothes-lines are remiss about wiping their feet before landing there.

Chantylass, socks wearing out toes first? Nag the man to trim his toenails! Socks should wear out heel first, as God intended!

I used to hang most shirts out by folding them over the line, pegs over just two layers of cloth. My logic was that they were less likely to blow off in gusts and the fewer layers trapped, the faster drying. Seems that I was wrong, in some opinions.
You do need to wipe the line, though, my way.

When I was single and used a laundrette, shirts went from spinner onto coathangers and were carefully folded into a suitcase. Then I hung the coathangers on the clothesline, with a single peg to keep them spaced.
Less ironing required at home, and I was waiting for the dryer at the laundrette.