The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146131   Message #3383651
Posted By: GUEST,Claire M (Permanant GUEST!)
30-Jul-12 - 10:42 AM
Thread Name: pop music DOES all sound the same
Subject: RE: pop music DOES all sound the same
I'm so happy to read this & wish I'd found this place before.

I like some pop music, but wouldn't want my shelves full of it. It could be because it wasn't played at me, while blues/folk always was. I'm so used to the latter that I get in a foul mood when I can't listen to it for some reason, & as soon as I put some on it goes away.

As a disabled person, my life is (& will be) very different to that described in standard pop songs, so I tend to gravitate toward nastier songs because they make more sense; me 2 fine legs were, in a sense, taken away (because they don't work), I do get lost (but unfortunately not in the pines), a lot of people I know happen to be very ill, so they do tend to die quite young.

I can cope with some pop music, but most people I know who like it seem to want to play it too loud, & think I'd be happier if I didn't listen to the music I do. They seem to get bored easily too. I don't & I don't think I ever have. In their way of thinking, if you like something you must own it, even if you're not sure you like it. Get me a decent cd & I'll be happy for ages.

As for toys, I still treasure Katy the rag doll (ooooh, I luv you just the way you are) & Midnight the toy cat.