The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145822   Message #3384037
Posted By: Steve in Sidmouth
31-Jul-12 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: If You're Coming to Sidmouth...
Subject: RE: If You're Coming to Sidmouth...
Just looked at the LNE dance programme - they emphasise that the LNE has been extended to 1.15am but it now starts half and hour later.

In 2010 we got three hours of LNE (10.30 to 1.30am) with (say) a half hour break so call it 2.5 hours of dance time.

In 2011 it was scaled back to 10.30 to 1.00am, less the floor spot gave 2 hours of dance time.

This year we get short changed again : 11pm to 1.15am less half and hour brings it down to 1.75 hours of dance time.

So in two years we have lost 0.75 hours out of the 2010 figure of 2.5 hours or 30%.

Major evening ceilidhs generally run from 8 to midnight with a half hour spot, thus you get 3.5 hours of dance time for typically £9.

Sidmouth LNE now gives exactly half this for £13 - so it's cost per hour is almost 3 times larger. This is like comparing £26 with £9.

Is there a prize for spotting the deliberate mistake in the full pdf programme? It's not an important one!