The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146177   Message #3384060
Posted By: Acorn4
31-Jul-12 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: Leaflet Rainforest
Subject: Leaflet Rainforest
First of all this isn't a moan, just an observation.

We've just been stewarding at Warwick and were on the main marquee for the final concert which was incidentally brilliant.

As it was the final concert we had to clear away the litter at the end. What amazed me was the number of leaflets left on the seats. We were carrying them away in armfuls and putting them in the recycling. One seat I came to had twenty leaflet son it.

Printing glossy leaflets is not cheap and I'm wondering if the expense is justified by the result of increased attendance at gigs as a result. We sometimes do leaflets around our local clubs but normally go round at the end of a night and collect those not taken. If we leave them at a festival venue we'll normally collect any not taken at the end.

Is there any evidence that so many leaflets produce any results - how many of them actually get read?