The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146207   Message #3384643
Posted By: Abby Sale
01-Aug-12 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: Personal Growth - songs with positive outcome?
Subject: Personal Growth
What with the High Holy Days coming up, my rabbi asked if I knew any traditional songs that showed Personal Growth, especially with a positive outcome.

My song list has 425 songs and no, I don't seem to.

Lots where someone regrets what he's done (but you get the impression he'll do it again, eg, next time he's in port).

Often in a Goodnight song he recounts his deeds (bragging, mostly) and warns _you_ to "shun bad company lest you come to hell with me."

Sometimes someone acts bravely or morally but there's a bad outcome. He's been warned or should have known better, the dumb-dumb. Even if it's a good outcome, it's just chance or the way he always acts, anyway; not growth,

Very occasionally someone gets tired his wild and wicked ways and goes home to the family or parents. But I don't ever get much feeling of "Personal Growth" just hard lesson (eg Spencer the Rover or Wild Rover.)

I'm not actually surprised. High-level Personal Growth, political correctness and modern mysticism don't seem part of folk tradition.

Still, if anyone has suggestions, I'd be very interested and appreciative.