The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146094   Message #3384644
Posted By: Stu
01-Aug-12 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mitt & the Brits
Subject: RE: BS: Mitt & the Brits
"I 'ad one of them yanks in the back of me cab the ovver day right, and I says to 'im I says summit about mr effin' bean bein' on the old olympics on the telly right and 'im not being very funny an all and he says to me he says you brits are right up yer own arses you lot is cos you invented monty pyfon and fools and 'orses and four candles like and I says to 'im I says listen me old china you got nuffin to feel so sore about cos you go that arrested development and them simpsons and that grumpy bald bloke and the office wot we gives you of course but you made yer own and great and stuff so wot you gettin' so effin' stroppy about mush but he didn't larf just kept his norf and sarf shut until goodge street and anyway stone the crows but I also had that keith chegwin in right after that and I says to 'im I says you know who i just 'ad in here me old mucker and he says who and I says that mitt effin' romney moanin' on about our sense of humour I told 'im straight I said listen mate . . . "