The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146117   Message #3385124
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
02-Aug-12 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Olympics opening ceremony
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics opening ceremony
We watched the ceremonies on yesterday, basically to see what the fuss was about.

Some quick impressions. I have never seen so many shabby costumes and so much fake soot in a major international event.

I thought it impertinent, nay! Down right cheeky! when "Bond" cleared his throat to get the Queen's attention.

I thought it was really cool when they made the floor of the stadium look like the aerial view of downtown London for the parachute jump.

I was irritated that the NBC cameras spent a lot more time on the pretend US representatives (Mitt & Anne) that the real one Michelle Obama.

I liked the music thing but thought it could have used much more Dire Straights and Clash and a bit less eighties stuff.

I didn't understand the Danny Boy thing either and was especially confused that the team representing the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland marched to a banner reading merely Great Britain.

I think Danny Boyle was a good choice, though I did spend a little too much time looking for the Rage infested monkeys.