The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27536   Message #338624
Posted By: John P
11-Nov-00 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: How about some good news for a change?
Subject: RE: BS: How about some good news for a change?
I ran into an old friend that I hadn't seen for some years and she asked me how I was. I found myself anwering, without thinking about it, "I'm having a really good life".

I am still passionately in love with my wife after 15 years of marraige. We laugh together, walk down the street holding hands, and have sex often.

I have a great job working for and with great people building and selling musical instruments. Part of my job requirement is that I be a folk musician, and I get to talk to musicians all day long. I get to be the boss without the owners expecting me to be an asshole. There is no office politics, rumor mongering, cliques, infighting, or back stabbing at work.

We just bought a small house in Seattle that is beautiful and affordable. If you know anything about the housing market in Seattle, you'll know how rare and lucky that is. Poorly built cottages sell for $200,000 here. Our house is a very, very nice house, with two cats in the yard.

I have a large collection of beautiful musical instruments, most of which I can play competently. My wife does also, and we perform together as much as we want (two to four gigs a month). We've recorded four albums that I still like and they've all gotten really good reviews in major folk music magazines. People from all over the world send us money for them.

I have several very close friends and lots of very warm acquaintances. I'm going to be jamming with many of them tonight at a music party.

I am reasonably healthy. I'm gaining weight and losing my hair and still feel OK about how I look. I'm a middle aged man who is not attracted to 22 year old women, thank god.
