The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146241   Message #3386673
Posted By: GUEST,mg
05-Aug-12 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: US Civil war songs - civil to sing them ?
Subject: RE: US Civil war songs - civil to sing them ?
I don't see why you couldn't sing one that was respectful and fairly generic..I miss my home/girl/mother/cow type of song. Southerners had an indefensible cause in the slavery issue, but Northerners were far from decent in their taking advantage of the terrible situation post-war. Misery enough on all sides. What is not needed is a feeling of superiority, condescension, scorn, holier than thou. We all participate in some sort of slavery..unless we consciously don' terms of our buying habits etc. And one thing is that is strangely not mentioned in discussing the Civil War is that a war was actually fought over it...oh yeah..forgot about that..that people left their homes and families to stamp out slavery..and they died horrible deaths in horrible battlefields or concentration camps to do so and they are almost never mentioned in that context. They might just have been unable to escape the draft and not known all the sociopolitical ramifications, but I think the average Irish or German immigrant (on either side)..or the Kentucky rifleman, or the Southern gentlemen thought he was doing the right thing.