The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146388   Message #3389807
Posted By: gnu
13-Aug-12 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Homosexuality - An abomination to God?
Subject: RE: BS: Homosexuality - An abomination to God?
Ake... "Joe.... I am amazed that you let these personal attacks stand....fair enough, gnu is a registered member and not quite wired up properly, but personal attacks by a guest poster....tut tut."

I did not personally attack you. However, many of the posters herein agree that you are rather abrasive in your posts... such as when you personally attacked many posters herein with a broad brush, myself included, by putting words in their mouths that were, as per my last post, despicable. You may try to hide behind that braod brush but it is you who has personally attacked others herein. I can only assume your attack was in response to various Mudcatters posting to the effect that your arguements and postulates are stunned as me arse.

Further to you saying that I personally attacked you, as far as me saying something like, "I don't like you.", who the fuck does? Anyone who reads your posts herein makes up there own minds about you as an individual. As do they view me in similar fashion. At the end of the day, I have friends here who are intelligetnt and compassionate and you have your sad self, devoid of compassion and any semblence of rational arguement for the vitriol you spew thinly disguised as factual debate.

Others have asked you to put your money where your mouth is. I doubt it will happen on accounta yer mouth is FAR too big for you to back it up. Prove me wrong if you can.

Personal attack? No. This is just my opinion... yer a fuckin asshole. Nothin new. I been sayin that since I read yer first post you troll.

Ake... take yer hate and shove it.

Moderator(s)... delete this if you want. I said my piece. This post really doesn't need to stay on accounta everyone can read Ake's previous posts and see what I am sayin... I am just sayin, eh?