The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146388   Message #3390212
Posted By: Bill D
14-Aug-12 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Homosexuality - An abomination to God?
Subject: RE: BS: Homosexuality - An abomination to God?
Ake: "Bill...As you know, I dont deal in hypotheticals.

Well, that seems to me a clear evasion of an important question. You can collect all the facts you wish... and even if I agree that you have found accurate ones, the question remains.... for ALL those who decry homosexuality: "What difference would it make if HIV/AIDS were totally defeated?"

For many, it would make NO difference, as they totally oppose it on biblical/moral grounds. You, however, dwell on the health issues as your main concern. Very commendable, I'm sure... and I doubt that anyone here who debates you will dispute that health issues are extremely relevant and important.
What seems to draw all the fire IS that you constantly evade questions like mine and just seem to 'suggest' that homosexuals should... what?... change their behavior? Quit BEING gay? I ask how a cure and/or vaccination would affect how.. or whether.. you view the situation. I'm sorry, but " I dont deal in hypotheticals. doesn't say much.

This thread didn't even begin as a defense of homosexuality, but was merely a comment on religious views, yet you seem to respond to any mention of homosexuality with more quotations about 'statistical facts'. Can you blame us if we find that odd?

Laws and restrictions and condemnations of ANYTHING... from oil drilling to gun ownership to sewage discharge should be based on relevant facts... INCLUDING how the restrictions might change as control over the problem changes.

I have now asked you perhaps 5-6 times what you would have the authorities DO about you concerns and how that would change if the 'problem' were better controlled. You do quite a little dance to avoid a direct answer. It makes me wonder...............