The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146433   Message #3390782
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Aug-12 - 01:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rat 'er lay-ift
Subject: RE: BS: Rat 'er lay-ift...
the most snow I EVER saw was in rural New York in the late 50s, don't remember which year exactly...might've even been the very early 60s. At any rate, it was incredible. I think it was '58 or '59.

They had some odd dialect there too.

The most enduring one was:

"Ayyyy-yup!" - meaning "Yes!"

And then there were:

"So didn't I." - So did I.
"So wouldn't I." - So would I.
"So couldn't I." - So could I.
"No fair!" - That's not fair! (this is common all over the place)
"I could care less." - I couldn't care less.
"Febyooary" - sans the "r" (also common all over the place)
"Nocyoolar" - nuclear (also very common...a Dubyaism)
"Lay down" - lie down
"irregardless" - regardless
"disorientated" - disoriented

The odd thing was how so many of those common expressions were more complicated and cumbersome to utter than the correct words would have been, and they didn't make sense either logically speaking, often meaning the exact opposite of the intended meaning.

People had not yet, however, descended to the utter banality of saying things such as:

"I'm like...whatever. And she's like...get a life! So I'm like...I HAVE a life!" etc.