The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146388   Message #3391144
Posted By: Joe Offer
16-Aug-12 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Homosexuality - An abomination to God?
Subject: RE: BS: Homosexuality - An abomination to God?
Tunesmith, when you write off the Bible as "just one big - dangerous - fairy tale," you scare me. I gather then, that you think it should be suppressed. As with many significant books, the danger lies in how they are read. The Bible is a fascinating - and valuable - collection of literature that covers the period from about 1200 BCE to 150 CE. It chronicles the story of deeply flawed people who sought to live their lives in a sometimes-rocky relationship with That Which Is Beyond. As such, it's a fascinating thing to study, and it's relevant to many who seek that same relationship.

But yes, if it's viewed as a Guide to Correct Thinking, it's dangerous. Any book that is seen as being meant to govern how people think, is dangerous. But it's not really the book that's dangerous - it's the attitude that is the danger.

I see the Bible as a chronicle of struggles and mistakes and contradictions, with a good bit of wisdom mixed in for those who can pick it out. I really don't think it attempts to dictate how people should live or how they should think.

But there are people who are afraid to think their own thoughts - if they don't get their Guide to Thinking in the Bible, they'll find some other crutch that will allow them to avoid thinking for themselves.

As to the original subject, homosexuality, I think it's clear in the Bible that at some times during the period from 1400 BCE to 150 CD, homosexuality was frowned upon. But since it really isn't mentioned in the Bible with much frequency or much vehemence, I'd reckon that it really isn't something for religious people to bother getting all upset about. Jesus got very upset about hypocrisy, and didn't say anything at all about homosexuality. Perhaps the message is that hypocrisy is the far greater sin?
