The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24652   Message #3392522
Posted By: GUEST,Me
19-Aug-12 - 10:55 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one...'
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lunatic's Lullaby 'Oh, I was born one
Oh, Here I am in the doghouse, my brain is in a rut.
My keeper thinks I'm crazy, but he is off his nut.
I'm just as sane as you are, and I can prove it too.
For when you here my lullaby, you'll know I'm not coo-coo.

Oooohhh, I was born one night in the morn when the whistles rang boom boom.
I fried a cake and baked a steak when the mudpies were in bloom.
Six and Six are Nine, and Ice comes from a mine.
Old Black Joe, was an Eskimo and pork from porcupine-O

A horse and cow can bark, meow and a goldfish loves to sing, LA-La
I saw a frog fly up a log and fall and break his wing
I know that camels sail the sea, and we get Honey from a flea
I saw a Horse fall up a tree on the road to Mandolee

O-me, O-my It's a lunatic's lul-la-by!