The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146532   Message #3392758
Posted By: Haruo
20-Aug-12 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Typing foreign stuff & symbols on a PC
Subject: RE: Tech: Typing foreign stuff & symbols on a PC
거룩거룩거룩전능하신주여 … ゐゐ cおmめんt おん ぢt!

Those were my first attempts at typing Korean and Japanese using the above-referenced keyboards. Just copy-pasting them here to see if they come through in Mudcat's sometimes odd encoding treatment.

The Korean is (or is intended to be) the first line of "Holy! holy! holy! Lord God Almighty!" in that language, whereas the Japanese is a garbled transliteration of "Oui oui comment on dit!" (originally I typed "ゐゐ comme on dit" but then I went back and added the "nt" just to see how it was handled...