The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146205   Message #3395546
Posted By: Bat Goddess
26-Aug-12 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fittness ** 2012/ AUGUST
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fittness ** 2012/ AUGUST
I promised Tom I'd take it easy today. ;-)

Sorted (and threw out most) a lot of papers before breakfast. The weather is gorgeous, so we ate breakfast on the deck. Then I went and sorted some more. Again threw out a lot, but FOUND stuff I was looking for -- install discs for Adobe CS, OS10.4 (well, I wasn't looking for it, just wondering where it was), a 1952 employee handbook from the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (sell!), another copy of a great photograph of Tom seated on a white Pan bench at the St. Gaudens memorial with me standing behind him (circa 1981), and output of a bunch of Australian songs.

Made a chocolate cake that bakes up floating in chocolate pudding and while it was in the oven, cut down a bunch of brush out back. Then went to the store. Came back and had some of that cake (with ice cream) out on the deck with Tom. Then just had to cut some more brush and hemlock branches. I'm looking forward to the flower bed that used to be full sun and has recently been full shade to be restored to full sun.

I'll harvest the basil tomorrow morning so Tom can make more pesto. We'll have leftover spaghetti with white clam sauce (and too much Romano) for supper tonight.

It's been a lovely, reasonably relaxing and yet very productive day. Tomorrow, too, I visit a friend who is threatening me with all sorts of stuff from her garden. (Oh, damn...;-) )
