The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146627   Message #3395616
Posted By: gnu
26-Aug-12 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Church denies new wedding vows sexist
Subject: RE: BS: Church denies new wedding vows sexist
9.... I live in Canada. Spouses are equal in the eyes of the law.
Lawyers are not. Therefore, don't hire a lawyer.... read.

froggy... it's not? I am outraged! Appalled at least. Well, taken aback somewhat. >;-) ummmm, froggy? buddy? where did you read what you thought I said? BOTH spouses (or more... hey, it HAPPENS but that's another thread) must submit (enter contract) and if the vows of any persuaion don't reflect that, the entity at fault is living in the dark ages. Right, Eliza? >;)

BTW, the law in New Brunswick, Canada regarding marriage licences is totally fucked up. Twenty bucks? Are you shittin me??!! It should be at least one hundred large. And the divorce "licence" should be $20. >;-)