The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6681   Message #3395703
Posted By: GUEST
26-Aug-12 - 11:04 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: Been All Around This World
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Been All Around This World (Grateful Dead
Ozark Folksongs: Vol 2 Songs of the South and West
variant B of #146 My Father Was a Gambler

Blue Stone Mountain

I'll go on Bue-Stone Mountain
And there I'll take my stand
My rifle on my shoulder
Revolvers in my hand
    Oh hang me, oh hang me,
    And I'll be dead and gone,
    I would not mind that hangin'
    But layin' in the grave so long

I have one little brother
And two little sisters makes three
To follow me down to the gallows tree
and see the last of me
    Oh hang me...

I've been all around this world
But never was in jail before
Oh send for my two babies to come and see me cry
Oh send for my two babies to wring their hands and cry
    Oh hang me....