The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145804   Message #3395882
Posted By: Pierre Le Chapeau
27-Aug-12 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: Knockholt Autumn Leaves 2012
Subject: RE: Knockholt Autumn Leaves 2012
I have messaged Joe Offer and asked him to remove my Knockholt thread. What I cant understand is I serched for a excisting Knockers thread solely because it is usually on Mudcat by this time of the year and RB starts it and I could not find any thing in the search Bar.

There again I have not been firing on all six these last 6 weeks so its probobly down to human error (mine) anyway I have taken several readings and I feel my mind is now quite sound????

What is the news of the Marquee. after it took off back in June and came back down to Earth in pieces ? do we have a Marquee?