The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146665   Message #3397294
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
29-Aug-12 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young pot smokers run risk of lower IQ
Subject: RE: BS: Young pot smokers run risk of lower IQ
I still enjoy the occasional toke. Keeps me from getting to be too smart for my own good.
It's been legal for all intents and purposes in Colorado for several years now, and there has been no detectable increase in the use of other drugs, and a decrease in drug crime, and it has become a huge revenue source for the state. Not seeing the negatives here, folks. Whether you smoke or not doesn't appear to me to be a conformist behavior, anymore than does the enjoyment of scotch, or coffee, or chocolate, for that matter.
Let's all get smarter and just legalize it.