The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146690   Message #3397349
Posted By: Joe Offer
30-Aug-12 - 02:09 AM
Thread Name: Most welcoming folk club
Subject: RE: Most welcoming folk club
Well, I went to two that were wonderful:

Song Central in Dublin: - meets on the third Sunday of the month in Dublin, but I'm not sure if it has found a permanent location yet.

Bray Singers' Circle: - meets on the third Saturday of the month at the Strand Hotel in Bray (Ireland)

Then there's my regular session, which meets on the second Sunday afternoon, 2-5 PM. It's called by the clumsy name of "In Harmony's Way Up In Auburn" to differentiate it from the equally wonderful "In Harmony's Way" gathering in the San Francisco East Bay area. The Auburn circle is Look at the photos and see if you can guess which one is me.

In my experience as a singer of dumb camp songs, almost every folk club is welcoming if you come with the right attitude. Most folk clubs are very nice about tolerating my singing "There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea" - once.
