The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146699   Message #3397647
Posted By: Jim Carroll
30-Aug-12 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'NoTravellers'common UK sign?
Subject: RE: BS: 'NoTravellers'common UK sign?
Look here Ms Eliza
What I described is what I found in three major cities in Britain - Liverpool - my home town, Manchester, my home for 4 years and London, my chosen home for 30 years - unless you would like to claim that I either imagined it or deliberately made it up of course.
Institutional racism was, and as far as I can tell, still is evident in the British police force - please tell the parents of Stephen Lawrence that is not the case.
All the events I have described as happening to Travellers (and to me on occasion) happened.
I too found Norfolk a friendly and welcoming place, with the exception I have outlined – some people seem to have trouble equating the persecution of Travellers as 'racism'.
Again, if you wish to suggest I am either imagining or inventing what I described in Norfolk regarding Travellers as imagination or invention, please feel free.
I am very happy that you and your husband have found peace where you are, there are many in Britain who have not been so lucky; I trust you will find time to spare them an occasional thought.
Why am I on this 'strange crusade' ( strange choice of words for someone who appears to be supporting a zealot who is denying a proven fact and telling others that it is no business of ours because we don't live in Britain)?
Basically because I have been brought up to believe that if you pass by on the other side and ignore persecution and injustice, you become part of it.
Britain has fairly stringent race laws, fought for by people non unlike those just describes as "agenda ridden spokespersons trying to justify their pay-packets"
I have no doubt they would not be there if they were not thought necessary, and should we take our eyes off the ball they will disappear (as has the 1967 Caravan and Camping act) far easier than they appeared
Jim Carroll