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Thread #146722   Message #3398168
Posted By: Little Hawk
31-Aug-12 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
They will NEVER get over the heartbreak of simply losing an election, saul...regardless of the many other excuses. Nor will the Democrats. For both of them that is the Holy of Holies: just WIN the damned election and thereby SAVE the country! (Ha! Ha!)

And they really believe it too.

Yeah, sure, having a black man as president bugs them. No doubt about that. But they really wouldn't mind all that much if he was...Colin Powell? And they wouldn't mind a woman in the White House either as long as she was a Republican.

I had a (Republican) friend from Georgia...he was up visiting in Canada a few years back...and Democrats were all enemies of society as far as he was concerned...all "socialists", tree-hugging whiners, etc...

We got along fine as long as we didn't discuss politics! ;-) We had some other stuff in common, but we were living on utterly different worlds when it came to politics.

Anyway, what I'm getting to here is...his favorite pick for president at the time was...

wait for it....

Condoleeza Rice!

Yup, that's right. He wanted a black woman for president. He liked and trusted her far more than he did John McCain or any other Republican name you could advance at the time. He had confidence in her. This just goes to show that in tribal politics (meaning partisan politics)...the one thing that really, finally, absolutely matters is this: Is that person of OUR tribe????? Do they utter OUR rhetoric? If so, anything or anyone can be made acceptable in the partisan mind. And anything can be damned out of hand.