The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146709   Message #3398616
Posted By: Artful Codger
01-Sep-12 - 11:09 AM
Thread Name: What makes a song REALLY last?
Subject: RE: What makes a song REALLY last?
@ leeneia: I resemble that remark (about collecting every known verse). Though generally my intent is to make the song a more coherent story, or because the tune is too good to be wasted on a three-minute song. If you look at broadside ballads from the 1700s--20 verses was light sailing--, it's clear that ballads served as the television of their day--one hopes, without all the advertising. Sometime I'll have to try singing a long ballad intermixed with commercial jingles, especially if I can figure out appropriate tie-ins: let me see, for "The Ride of Paul Venarez" ("Billy Veniro") I could sing about saddle soap, Western Union, Colt 45 malt liquor and Miracle-Gro (for the flowers on his grave--oops, was that a spoiler?)

What makes a song last is a disgruntled audience member and an Uzi. "They were face down at Folk City." -- The Roches