The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146722   Message #3398769
Posted By: GUEST,nobody in particular
01-Sep-12 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
I take away two things from the Democratic response:

1. They criticise Mr.Eastwood's delivery, when they know his health is challenged(how compassionate).

2. And the fact that the Republicans, should hire an accomplished actor/director/musician to speak at the convention, so what do the Democrats do? They hire Eva Longoria, more of a sex symbol than either an actress, non-director, or non-musician!

They must have a insatiable taste for that sexy 'Charm', Ebbie was so much in demand of having!!

That certainly doesn't speak very highly of the Democratic response, AGAIN!

Are the Democrats against raising the bar when it comes to an intellectual dialogue? THIS is what is needed, and to back off the 'emotional' levels of debate! This makes them look weak, needy and impotent, for which they are vulnerable to be attacked, and lose.

I think if the people of either party would be a little more critical of their nonsensical positions, only then could some constructive dialogue begin! As it is now, it is only a satire, and parody of the ridiculousness of the parties they say they are!