The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146722   Message #3399052
Posted By: GUEST,nobody in particular
02-Sep-12 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
To my pedantic detractors,
If you want to repudiate what I've commented on, then just do so, but your weak assaults on me or my character, speaks to me, that you have no just cause or issue, or argument, other than the same nonsense that your political party is doing to the opposing political party! What a shame, to resort to these assaults, rather than putting forth a reasonable exchange of ideas. Now I'm beginning to wonder, if that is the case, because 'reason' requires a mental exercise, instead of a immature emotional attack.

And Mr. Bridge, You sound like a bit of an imperialist yourself!
You say you doubt if I'm from the U.K., and that I'm 'trying to sound like an Englishman'. Tsk tsk, Not all in the U.K. happen to be 'English', though England would wish differently. You obviously are English. You therefore are by probability, a product of the influence of the Bank of England, and just haven't realised all the damage done to your thinking!!
Get well soon, and have a healthy recovery!!!!