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Thread #146763   Message #3399294
Posted By: Rapparee
02-Sep-12 - 10:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Skilled Work, No Worker
Subject: RE: BS: Skilled Work, No Worker
Of course it will be. In many ways it already is.

China and India won't fight each other because it would have very unwanted economic consequences. The Asian countries have a long range outlook, unlike the US, the EU, etc.

But if you REALLY want a scary scenario, consider civil war in China, and North Korea could use that as the time to renew hostilities with the South -- and yes, it could happen. If NK starts something China would, in the present situation, do whatever it could to stop it because it'd be bad for business (BTW, the new NK Premier recently visited China to discuss economic matters). But a civil war in China? You take it from there, and remember how close Japan is to Korea.

Now, about 2030 I see Scotland annexing England and Manx becoming the dominant language in Europe. Following an earthquake of huge magnitude around 2029 Wales will break off from Britain and collide with Ireland somewhere near Youghal. This same earthquake will close the shipways to Copenhagen, and Spitsbergen and the Faroes will become part of Iceland. The Orkneys will become drifting islands and eventually come to anchor in the Canaries. Unfortunately, Lichtenstein will sink below the sea, make Switzerland the naval power it was always meant to be.