The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146763   Message #3399299
Posted By: Sandy Mc Lean
02-Sep-12 - 10:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Skilled Work, No Worker
Subject: RE: BS: Skilled Work, No Worker
The USA's prosperity is in decline and Canada and other nations depending on trade with them are being sucked down as well. Americans still control much of the world's wealth but it is concentrated in far to few people and places. Part of the problem is that Americans still see capitalism as a sacred cow while thy are getting screwed by it! Global corporations, often USA based , have established an international power structure above government control. Short term profit and bonuses are the goal of greedy executives and they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves! The first lesson that must be learned is that democracy and capitalism have nothing in common. Once the people demand that the government rein in this band of thieves and throw the bastards in jail things may improve but as long as they can bribe politicians with campaign ( or under the table ) contributions greed will rule the roost. As for robots they make most of a car today on Detroit's assembly lines. Trouble is the damn things don't buy any cars like all the laid off workers used to do! On and on it goes...............