The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146386   Message #3401453
Posted By: Steve in Sidmouth
07-Sep-12 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: So how was Sidmouth 2012 for you?
Subject: RE: So how was Sidmouth 2012 for you?
If other bands are louder than you are then they will be keeping even more people away. At your Exeter ceilidh last year(?) (Great Western) the organisers asked me as I walked in if I knew it was you and did I have my earplugs?!

As it happens you were fine for a while - very good music, then it got too loud to make dancing comfortable. Dancers by and large don't want the same volume as kids who want to be blown out of their minds.

I can assure you people do stay away. I'm writing up more comments on Sidmouth and other festivals in due course and you are free of course to disagree as you wish.

There is little logic in some of your statements but I'll leave those for now.
