The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27672   Message #340278
Posted By: CarolC
14-Nov-00 - 01:26 AM
Thread Name: Ever had one of those years?
Subject: RE: Ever had one of those years?
I would say it's been one of those lifetimes for me. Judging by external appearances, it looks like I haven't made much progress.

However, when I look at my life objectively I can see progress that is of a nature that I had not anticipated, so I tend not to notice it as much as the lack of progress toward the goals that I thought I was working toward. I know that's convoluted but it really does make some kind of sense.

Also, you're not alone in having a bad year this year. A lot of people have recieved comfort and solace in difficult circumstances through the kindness and loving support of the people here in the Mudcat. I am one of them. I was going through a bit of a really bad patch recently, and I asked if anyone in the Mudcat could give me a virtual hug. The response I got was incredibly heart warming and healing, and it did me wonders. My material and lifestyle circumstances are largely the same as they were before, but I feel less alone with them now.

I hope you can get the help you need either here in the Mudcat, or from whatever other source is appropriate for you. I send you my best wishes and my hope that things will get better for you soon.


P.S. Please stay away from the bridge. I say this for purely selfish reasons. I treasure the people who make the Mudcat wonderful. I don't want to lose any of them.