The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27672   Message #340300
Posted By: Musicman
14-Nov-00 - 02:36 AM
Thread Name: Ever had one of those years?
Subject: RE: Ever had one of those years?
I used to sing a song at work...... a song from the 1940's or earlier, not sure... called "Painting the Clouds with Sunshine"

Went something like this:

When I pretend I'm gay
I never feel that way
I'm only Painting the clouds with sunshine
When I hold back a tear
To make a smile appear
I'm only Painting the Clouds with sunshine
Coloured with gold and old Rose
playing the clown trying to drown all of my woes
Though things may not look bright
they'll all turn out alright
If I keep painting the clouds with sunshine

I used to think that this was my theme song. I went through several years of high stresses which culminated in the loss of my best friend....... my wife........ leaving me to raise an 11yr old (at the time) daughter. She is now 13, and doing fairly well...... we both have had a rough time over the past several years, but we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (not a train!).

It's taken time, focus, and most of all, allowing the moments to happen when they needed to happen. I think I took at least 5-6 months sick leave from work in one year, just because i wasn't able to do my job (Music therapist in a hospital). I finally ended up quitting that job.

Not sure where I'm going with this.... maybe just to say.... sometimes we need to take the positive steps and create our future with determination and persistance... but allowing the moments when we have to recognize the past...... This is where your friends come in...... to listen, to distract... or just to be there.....