The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2200   Message #340444
Posted By: Jon W.
14-Nov-00 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Free Mexican Airforce (Peter Rowan)
Subject: RE: Free Mexican Airforce
Boy, I hate tripping over my own hypocrisy. Bill D, you have made me take another look at myself. While I neither drink nor toke, and consider each substance equally bad, I don't mind singing or hearing drinking songs but I do mind hearing and would never sing a song celebrating the wild weed. Right now I can't figure out why that is. I suppose that it's because alcohol is an old devil that we (as a whole society) are comfortable with, and marijuana along with all the other "illicit" drugs is a new devil that we still find alarming, lo these many years since 1967. Personally, I wish we could get rid of both devils.