The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19175   Message #3405104
15-Sep-12 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Irishman's Shanty
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Irishman's Shanty
and the bed where he sleeps is all covered with fleas...The fleas are as big as a keral of corn, they don't bite him or vetch him or make him forlorn..cause the Irishmans Fleas he took by their ear, he Smashed them, an Bashed them, and beat them severe, then he fetched them a clout, right out on the floor, and the Irishmans not bothered by fleeeeas no more.                      Gentrys buttermilks hot, shepherds buttermilks cold, the Irismans buttermilk's 7 years old, an the skippers (mice) are skippin all over the floor, and the wiggle tails makin his buttermilk roar !