The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27672   Message #340540
Posted By: Alice
14-Nov-00 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: Ever had one of those years?
Subject: RE: Ever had one of those years?
Khandu, from 1978 to 1981, I lost my grandfather, grandmother, I was almost killed by a violent boyfriend, my mother and father and an aunt died in a car accident while they were on vacation together, a niece was electrocuted to death by faulty wiring in her home, a nephew was shot to death. After my parents died, people around me were telling me I should get married (I was too much in shock to make that decision) but was talked in to marrying someone I hardly knew. I found out after I married him that he was an alcoholic and he abandoned me a few months after the wedding, while I was pregnant. I had an emergency appendectomy and then lost twin girls at birth, and definitely was depressed enough from all of this to feel suicidal. I was numb from all of these experiences piling one on top of each other, I was ill from the failed pregnancy. I had no job and lots of medical bills. I had no friends or relatives to talk to. I survived. I kept thinking, at least I'm alive and the future may get better, at least I'm not in a concentration camp or something like that. I would always think of how other people survived the holocaust, Hanoi Hilton, or some other worse circumstance than mine. I made it through. It's possible to survive until things change, and they always do.
Hang in there.
