The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27672   Message #340628
Posted By: Lanfranc
14-Nov-00 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: Ever had one of those years?
Subject: RE: Ever had one of those years?
As far as I am concerned, 2000 has been a right sod of a year where business and finance are concerned.

A Company I spent ten years building has gone down the pan, but I have learned to live quite contentedly on an income reduced by 50%. I learned how to fire friends and even my own daughter, but somehow managed to retain their affection and respect. I have lost around a quarter of the money I was saving to retire, but I've come to terms with simpler tastes. I've been dumped on and defrauded by professionals, but at least I've learned how to recognise my real friends - they're the ones who were still there for me when things had gone pear-shaped.

Someone once said "That which does not actually kill me makes me stronger".

I'm starting to think that might just be true.

Oh, and now I've got more time for my music.