The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27672   Message #340636
Posted By: Hollowfox
14-Nov-00 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: Ever had one of those years?
Subject: RE: Ever had one of those years?
Um, folks, one of the reasons we're all posting here is that we like something, blues, folk music, folklore, and all that related stuff. When we first came to the 'Cat, we found that we liked the place, and the other folks posting here. (Otherwise you wouldn't be reading this, right?) I've found that, when I'm down and thinking, "Oh, why bother going on?", that it pays to remember the things I enjoy. They can be as small as a good honest purr from a cat to looking forward to seeing friends next year at a folk festival. Once long ago, I thought about ending it all, and the thought of the heartbroken look that would come on a folksinger friend's face (I'm not saying who), stopped me right then. I didn't want to hurt that friend.
Sorcha, the reason you see pain here is that we're friends, and you can let a friend know you need a kind thought. You're mistaken to think that you're powerless to stop it, though. A couple of weeks ago I posted that I needed a hug, and boy did I get them. Just knowing that there were people somewhere that give a s**t about me got me through, and things are better now. Powerless? Hardly. It seems to have started a trend. Maybe my astrologist friend is right and it's from some cosmic traffic jam. But I don't think it will overshadow the 'Cat's content. There's a self-regulating something that brings us back to the reason we started in the first place. Still, friends share news in their lives, as well as shared interests. Like the song says,"Good times and hard times, they're all worth the telling."