The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147037   Message #3406650
Posted By: Roger the Skiffler
18-Sep-12 - 06:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Postcard from Dendros (Greece) 2012
Subject: RE: BS: Postcard from Dendros (Greece) 2012
Nice one Ernie! I always marvel at the land of contrasts: the Acropolis and the jerry-builders of today; the Venus de Milo and the gimcrack plastic tat in Greek shops & homes and, from the land theat gave the world formal logic, the people I've met over the last couple of years who all agree tax evasion is the key to their economic woes and then boast about their own scams or ask for payment in the infamous fakellaki (cash in hand- literally little envelope).   
   They see no inconsistency in someone studying hard for a hunting licence who in the meantime goea hunting before the season starts or goes out in a boat ("so they'll think I'm fishing") with a shotgun ill-concealed in a towel and then eating pigeon rather than fish that evening!
We were a bit short on visiting musicians this year. German yacht crews usually have at least one guitarist and a repertoire of drinking songs but we were lacking this year. BTW The Guitarist described my voice as "One in a Million". A kind way of sayiong "we've never heard anything like it" I guess.
   This year's "black granny" story: a couple of them were tottering down the road to the 'bus stop and met and chatted (well, screeched at the top of their voices- no wonder no-one has secrets!). Then the 'bus came, they suddenly acquired a turn of speed Usain Bolt would envy and managed to get ahead of the queueing tourists (I think it's a skill they learn in widow school).
   I may have mentioned Greek drivers before. I was amazed to learn they have to have 25 compulcory professional lessons before taking the test. It doesn't stop unlicenced youths from driving unaccompanied and not discreetly: scattering gravel in all directions. One advantange of a village so far from the police force.
   Our taverna bill at the end of the fortnight was less than last year. Partly, as I had almost cut out the lunchtime beers and tried to eat less at lunchtime (I still put on about 8lbs) and fewer glasses of wine & brandies in the evening. Now back to my daily walks and 3 alcohol-free days a week to lose those pounds & lower my chloresterol before my next Doc's appointment in October!