The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145504   Message #3408423
Posted By: gnu
21-Sep-12 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman side of the story published.
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman side of the story published.
Don... I can't read a lot of your post because of the messed up characters that appear on my screen but I think I get the idea. I thought I already answered your last question... a COURT OF LAW speaks for "the dead black victim" (those are YOUR words and, BTW, your inference to racial bias on my part is EXTREMELY offensive). Not a LYNCH MOB. I am not calling your "us" a lynch mob, rather, just you and the people who want to decide what happened without due process.

And... people who infer that I am racially biased through hateful innuendo are unacceptable to me. That kinda shit don't wash with me, buddy, so knock that fuckin shit off.

As far as me not responding (to YOUR liking, I might add) to posts which I may not have seen or give no credence to or WHATEVER, how in fuck can you judge me by what I haven't said? DO NOT infer that I am racist and DO NOT put words in my mouth again.