The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14499   Message #3411784
Posted By: GUEST,mark
29-Sep-12 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Song for Martin (Ralph McTell)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Song for Martin (Ralph McTell)
hi guys,,not heard it for several yr's but it's one of those songs thats stayed with me,
deffo think its ''endless coffee+ciggerets'', not thermos
Interestingly, I was told a few years ago by a massive mctell fan,a journalist who interviewed him asked ''what happened to martin ''
his reply was that ralph had played at martins funeral,,how true this is i have no idea,,,but its a nice/sad story
A very powerfull song on the subject of how heroin destroys lives but having faith+hope that a dear frined can be one of the lucky ones who make it