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Thread #146055   Message #3411879
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Sep-12 - 05:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Racism in the UK media
Subject: RE: BS: Racism in the UK media
Alan - you have seen exactly what he said
You have seen his persistence in claiming - without proof - that a whole community is culturally tainted
You have seen his constant evasion in refusing to back up his 'expert witnesses' with the quotes he claims they have made that back up his sick theories.
Why shouldn't he be here - what better to peddle his sick theories than an open forum where he can say anything he wishes without fear of retribution.
At the time of the Dale Farm eviction several of us had our facebooks hacked into by a BNP shit who altered our personal profiles - not Keith I hasten to add - we know who did it - a regular contributor to this forum.
He brands a whole ethnic group as poterntial culturally influenced perverts.
I can't remember if you were around at the time, but I suggest you seek out the 'Muslim Persecution' thread - counting his postings should be evidence enough.
He claims to have the interests of the underage young women at heart but in truth, he is as much a persecutor of innocent people as are those animals who prey on them - in his case innocent men women and children who happen to be of the same religion and nationality as the criminals.
I have no time for these shits but I will not remain silent while people like Keith uses their crimes to persecute and smear a whole community - in his case, from the comfort of his home and the safety of his anonymity.
Would you care to justify his arguments?
I find these 'slanging matches' an embarrasment and an interference to the reason for my being a membert of this forum - my love of folk music.
Keith and I are on opposite sides of the fence as far as these topics are concerned (I'm pleased to say) and his habit of propriortorily taking over these topics. squeezing the last drop of blood out of them, and his insistence of having the last word on all of them (go and check) means that we'll almost certanly clash again.
Can I clear up my attitude towards racism in England.
I do not believe everybody in Britain to be a racist, but I do believe there is enough to be of concern - not in fanatics and active fascists, but in ordinary people who otherwise are friendly, sociable and welcoming - as I've said before, people who I would happily have a drink with as long as the topic of race or immigration does not come up.
I experienced this most days of my working life, especially in London, and through my activities with one of the most persecuted ethnic groups in Britain. I also know it to be the case from my reading - I produced enough examples on previous threads - all of which were ignored.
I pointed out that the constant repetion of the same question WHICH I ANSWERED EACH TIME