The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147249   Message #3411918
Posted By: gnu
29-Sep-12 - 07:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canucks... Trudeau?
Subject: RE: BS: Canucks... Trudeau?
"chretien was ousted by martin"?

I just can't see it.

"Should one believe that having a notable father means "a fella" also has "what it takes" to lead a country, as their fathers may have had?"

No. But they have contacts and they have clout and we respected (?) what their father's did for this country which means more than electing The Hair who doesn't give two shits from Tuesday about my father and my mother and all the others who built this fuckin country and and paved the way for his sorry ass to posper. Ask anyone over retirement age... yeah... retirement age. I assume you are "golden"? And don't care about the kids?