The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147249   Message #3412061
Posted By: Ed T
30-Sep-12 - 07:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Canucks... Trudeau?
Subject: RE: BS: Canucks... Trudeau?
""Not the retired folks I know... they are pissed with Harper screwing them and their children over"".

I am not sure that everyone across Canada, retired or not, has the same opinion as you say your circle of retired friends seem to?

With fewer people putting in and more taking out, I suspect some change is inevitable (as with private retirement plans), regardless who is in power. It seems logical that a party with a majority takes more agressive actions earlier than one in a minority.

Many may recall that Martin was popular for getting us out of some financial trouble by cutting programs - but did so by passing many problems on the provinces- and many provinces still live with some of the resulting financial issues to today. Problem is if you have to bring the books in shape (over the long term) there are fewer areas to focus on, that don't impact someone.

What governments and parents in many countries are telling kids is, unlike with the BB'ers, it is not wise to rely solely on government pensions (CPP and OAP) for your retirement - put some $ away early, so it can grow for you to enjoy as you age. Seems like good advice to me. It is exactly what I told my kids.Of course, some kids are hoping their BB parents will leave them a few of their $, if they have it, to help. BTW, recent reports indicate Canadian retired folks are much better off financially than any previous generation. (I suspect they may be among the best off in the world, for their age group).

As to Trudeau: I have not seen any vision yet. IMO, vision is what is needed to stimulate the party. All I see is a young guy that kinda looks like his father and alot of people wishing that he is like his father. I have not seen any indication of any of Pierre's abilities yet?

While it is good to have inside party contacts to help you, and I realize he is only running for the Leadership of a party- but if he wins he will have to face the elcorate. Remember, first impressions are only made once and I suspect there are already people poised to do to him what was done to folks like Dion - so any candidiate has to be quick on their feet, as it is harder to come back from first impressions made by you or others.