The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147256   Message #3412697
Posted By: Bobert
01-Oct-12 - 04:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fall Gardening Thread 2012...
Subject: RE: BS: Fall Gardening Thread 2012...
We've also put in an asparagus bed, Magz... We did it exactly the way the folks on the inter net said to do it by digging out a 20 foot long trench (1 ft deep and 18 inches wide, mostly filled with a mix of composted manure and top soil, then spread the roots out like an octopus before covering with an inch of compost... Growing like gang busters... Think we'll have asparagus next spring from the looks of things... I've also discovered some wild asparagus growing across the pond... I have it marked with a flag so we'll keep an eye on it next spring, as well...

Raining here today... Hooray...

Going to put down my cardboard/ newspapers and first layer of compost later this week in my lasagna beds...
