The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147284   Message #3412708
Posted By: Bobert
01-Oct-12 - 05:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: NY Times - 'We need death panels'
Subject: RE: BS: NY Times - 'We need death panels'
My story is quite different, Q...

I owned a small business for the last 20 years of my working (for money, that is) life... I had between 5 and 8 employees at various times... I could not get into a group that was affordable and I could not afford (literally) to cover my employees without ruining the business...

We all scrambled for health insurance... Or the younger ones just said "Heck with it"... I always had insurance but with $10,000 deductibles because that was all I could afford... I went 20 years paying into these companies and never got anything but one shingles vaccine out of them... Not sure why they paid for that???

That's most small businessmen in America... At least the one's I know...

I'd hate to think of how much I spent over those 20 years for health insurance just to protect me in case of a catastrophic illness... I bet wrong...
