The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127051   Message #3412842
Posted By: Beer
01-Oct-12 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: Songs about a man's love for his horse
Subject: RE: Song about a man's love for his horse
Quote from Brendan on the song "Old Ned".

"Key of E flat; Guitar: Capo 3rd fret C

The horse-drawn milk-cart disappeared from the streets of Dublin finally in the early seventies. I remember one of the milkmen being interviewed on TV when they finally changed over to motorized vehicles. The emotion in his face was very apparent when he said, "You can't talk to a van". I suppose you can't exactly talk to a horse either, but you know what he meant. The early morning sound of the hoof on the road outside and the jingling of the glass milk-bottles has now become a fond memory of a day gone by."