The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147284   Message #3412856
Posted By: Songwronger
01-Oct-12 - 11:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: NY Times - 'We need death panels'
Subject: RE: BS: NY Times - 'We need death panels'
My vote. I can't vote for Obama or Romney. I voted for Obama because he promised to end the wars. He lied. Stealing a buck is a crime, but stealing a vote isn't? Obama shouldn't be in office. I wish we had immediate recalls--politicians should put a deadline on their promises, and if they don't deliver by the deadline, pull them. And then there's Romney. He's insane, and not just in Obama's narcicisstic way. Romney's a loon. Cult member and all that. That leaves third parties. They're just steam valves for the big Dem/Rep juggernaut, so I'm thinking of writing in Ron Paul. This is the saddest election I've ever seen. This is like choosing which pile of shit to step in. Do you drink the cup of vomit or the cup of pus? Bush / Gore was bad, Obama / McCain, but this time, this is putrescent. That Obama hasn't been impeached is a national embarassment, and that Romney should get within tour distance of the white house is a national nightmare.

Abortion is another discussion, big can of worms. I consider myself a limited supporter of FDR-style social programming, as long as it doesn't get in the way of individual initiative. Orphans should be taken care of, and a decent retirement provided for the rest. And Medicaire for all. Capital punishment--I approve of death panels of 12 seated jurors. As I stated above, Bush/Obama/Romney should be tried and executed. I have no problem with executions of such obviously guilty traitors.

Too bad we Americans can't be like the highly educated Canadians. Best educated people in the world, another thread says. No wonder they elect such excellent politicians. Don't they crap sugar rosettes?