The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146384   Message #3413267
Posted By: GUEST,Roger in Baltimore
02-Oct-12 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: FSGW Getaway 2012
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway 2012
I think this was one of the "high light" Getaways for me. First, let me mention that the members of Meteora were active on Monday morning helping to put the place back together. Truer folkies never lived. I co-led two workshops. The first was with Donna Fletcher on "singing the blues". She had some great material and lectured a bit on technique and hints. It was a fine job and then we had the group members try out their wings on some old blues standards. It was a very happy bunch at the end of the workshop and it appeared some folks "cut their first blues eye teeth" that morning. I give Donna all of the credit, I mostly sat there, strummed guitar, and cast a few bon mots.

The second workshop was with Phil Fox on "Roadhouse songs." I think Phil, whom I had never met until this weekend, looked the part of a roadhouse singer better than I. We had lots of participation. I want to thank Amos for adding a song after I intimidated him when he said he didn't have a song ready. As you might guess, he had a fine song, Richard Thompson's "Vincent Black Lightning." Somewhat to my surprise we had a few acapella contributors, but that worked fine. Thanks to Kathy for providing the required Hank Williams number, couldn't a-been a Roadhouse without one.

I almost missed putting my name on the sign-up list for the Sunday night concert, but they squeezed me in. I really appreciated the audience response to Kristina Olson's "Stop Doing So Well."

I tried staying up late on Saturday. I lasted until 2:30 AM, Sunday. I got up at 7:30 AM on Sunday morning for breakfast and ran into one of my roommates in the bathroom. I noted I was surprised to see him up so early. He said he hadn't gotten up, rather he had not yet been to bed (how do they do that?). After lunch I had half hour with no particular workshop that stirred my soul. I then spent about 20 minutes trying to remember where I had last left my guitar. I can't remember anytime in my adult life when I didn't know where my guitar was. I finally remembered where I had last left it and I fetched it soon enough to co-lead the roadhouse workshop. I think I'm swearing off late night singing however.

I know many people were worried about the weather. It rained gently on Friday night, but Saturday and Sunday were beautiful sunlit days.

Marge, who didn't attend, says "Hi" back to all of those who asked about her. You know who you are.

It was also a great pleasure to see Max for the first time in a while and talk about Radio, the music business, and Penn State. He has become a fine guitarist and singer of the blues.

Roger in Baltimore (who actually lives in Virginia within walking distance of the entrance of the Potomac River into the Chesapeake Bay.)