The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141144   Message #3413516
Posted By: GUEST,Lizzie Cornish
03-Oct-12 - 06:22 AM
Thread Name: Obit: RIP Sir Jimmy Savile of BBC [2011]
Subject: RE: 2011 Obit: RIP Sir Jimmy Savile UK disc jockey
Jimmy Saville made me squirm as a young girl. He made me squirm as an adult. In fact, he made my blood run cold, all through his life.

It seems that his work for Stoke Mandeville played an important part here, together with his high ratings for the BBC.

Having been told by the BBC that they would get their Special Investigations Department to deal with me, back on their messageboard, with the added threat of that department seeking to get me banned from the internet by my service provider, it would seem the BBC does HAVE a Special Investigations Department.

If this is the case, WHERE WERE THEY?

Jimmy Saville had the 'aura of pervert'all around him, in my opinion, but so too do ALL those concerned who KNEW what was happening, or who had been told highly suspicious things but who then CHOSE not to a damn thing about them!

Complicity should be a Criminal Offence, as far as I'm concerned, for if it were then crimes such as these would NOT have been allowed to continue to happen.

I don't care how much money he raised for charity, his reputation absolutely deserves to be blown to Kingdom Come and quite frankly Stoke Mandeville AND the BBC should be the LOUDEST voices calling for a full Investigation into these allegations, which I have no doubt will be found to be true.

Interestingly, most of you have ignored the comment above from 'the leveller' where he spoke of a relative of his who was abused by Saville. Levels is to be trusted 100% in what he says and therefore his comment above adds yet more translucence to a very foggy situation which was deliberately kept hidden so that money would continue to pour in to Stoke Mandeville and the BBC Ratings would continue to stay high because of Saville's programmes and popularity.

Blow 'em all to smithereens, Legal Industry!!