The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3973   Message #3413731
Posted By: Jim Dixon
03-Oct-12 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Swede from North Dakota
Here's another of my transcriptions from a recording I found on Spotify. I haven't seen any liner notes, but it sounds like a field recording, with hesitations and false starts by the singer, who sings unaccompanied.

As sung by Carl Bruce on "From Sweden to America" (1996)

I been a Svede from Nort Dakota, work on da farmstead about vun year.
I go down to Minnesota yust to look on da big State Fair.

So I buy me a ticket an' I buy me a bottle, dressing up just out of sight.
Jumping Yiminy! I feel yolly, feel just like I vant to fight.

I jump on Jim Hill's … wagon, take along my alcohol.
Still vaking up de very next morning [in de city] called Saint Paul.

Valking round de street in Saint Paul, ain't seen a fella anywhere,
So I jump on streetcar to Minneapolis; bet your life dere's Svedemen dere.

Valking around in Sout' Minneapolis ,go into Billy's place for fun.
Vell, I made some yolly Svede pals to slap me on de back, say, "Good old Sven!"

I look around and I feel so funny, ain't seen dem fellas before, I tink.
But I feel folksy an' say, "Hey fellas, come … an' have a drink!"

So ve take drink an' I feel so yolly, ve begin to dance an' sing.
And I say to all Svede fellas: "I skall pay for de whole darn thing."

Then next morning I been a wake up by the fella they call "The Bull"
Him says to me … 'cause you been so awful full.

I look in my pocket; I ain't got no money; judge says: "…, you got no bail?"
All dat is left for dis here poor Swedeman is for him to lay ten days in jail.

So I go back to Nort Dakota, get a yob on farm somewhere,
And I said to all Swede fellas: "Dey can go to heck wit da big State Fair."