The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27742   Message #341399
Posted By: Dave Wynn
15-Nov-00 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: Healing Threads: Do they work?
Subject: RE: Healing Threads: Do they work?
Some years ago an experiment was undertaken in Britain to pray for a number of people who were undergoing a life threatening surgical procedure. It was a blind test. Some were prayed for and others were not , the orthodox churches did not take part for obvious reasons. The results showed that the people prayed for had generally better recovery's and better survival rates. The sample was too small for the medics to take any notice of and another larger experiment was promised. I don't know if it ever materialised. But love and best wishes can't hurt even if they don't help so why not send them. Please have mine for Karen Catspaw49.